Alphabetical By Frequency Occurrences in 10 Round Game * 0.86% T 8.12% 4.1 A 7.80% A 7.80% 3.9 B 6.56% S 7.77% 3.9 C 5.27% H 7.34% 3.7 D 4.29% W 7.32% 3.7 E 2.14% B 6.56% 3.3 F 5.20% M 6.08% 3.0 G 4.35% C 5.27% 2.6 H 7.34% F 5.20% 2.6 I 4.82% I 4.82% 2.4 J 0.03% O 4.82% 2.4 K 0.08% P 4.36% 2.2 L 4.34% G 4.35% 2.2 M 6.08% L 4.34% 2.2 N 4.33% N 4.33% 2.2 O 4.82% D 4.29% 2.1 P 4.36% R 2.38% 1.2 Q 0.03% E 2.14% 1.1 R 2.38% U 1.61% 0.8 S 7.77% * 0.86% 0.4 T 8.12% K 0.08% 0.04 U 1.61% V 0.06% 0.03 V 0.06% J 0.03% 0.02 W 7.32% Q 0.03% 0.02 X 0.00% Y 0.02% 0.01 Y 0.02% Z 0.02% 0.01 Z 0.02% X 0 0.00 (X is not used)
The sequence of letters ends in a vowel, in percentage terms, the sum of the numbers above for the 5 vowels: a + e + i + o + u = 7.8 + 2.14 + 4.82 + 4.82 + 1.61 = 21.2% For just i and o, it's 9.64% of the time.
17:34 T..... logged in
17:34 T..... logged out
17:35 S..... logged in
17:35 S..... logged out
17:39 k1.... logged in
17:39 k1.... logged out
These were a little farther apart, but might have joined a game the other 3 started.
18:02 k2.... logged in
18:03 k2.... logged out
18:17 a..... logged in
18:17 a..... logged out
18:35 r..... logged in
18:35 r..... logged out
The next person might do the same thing, possibly seconds later, each not knowing about the other.
Ships passing in the night.
To meet, they'd have to have split-second timing, and arrive at virtually the same time.
They want to join an ongoing game, or go find something else to do.
But think for a moment, How did that game get going?
Someone was the first to arrive, and found no one there. But instead of leaving, they waited a little while, and pretty soon another and another showed up and they could start.
BE THAT PERSON - and make it so others don't find that same empty lobby - they find YOU there!
It will provide Acrozilla news, notices of near-term events, and general goings on of the site.